Moodle+ Preview Resources

Moodle+ is a fantastic opportunity to provide high quality Computing Science, Information Technology, Digital Literacy and Online Safety resources for subscribing schools.

Some of the best documents to help teachers plan, manage and teach computing in an informed and sustainable way.

Taking the best free planning that is available from CAS, Barefoot, Code-it and Computing at Schools and adding real value to it through;

  • Skills & knowledge progression
  • Age recommendations
  • Assessment criteria
  • Computational thinking
  • Computational attitudes
  • Formative assessment examples to improve teaching practice

Our aim is to reduce the time that teachers take to find and resource high quality resources so they can spend more time developing great teaching opportunities.

Sue Savory - Hampshire Computing Inspector

Phil Bagge - Computing Inspector

In Moodle+ Preview there are some samples of resources to give an indication of what the full document includes in Moodle+. For a comprehensive list of resources available on the Computing Moodle+, please see the Moodle+ handbook 2024-25.

Subscription costs 2024-25

Moodle+ subscription prices for this year will remain unchanged. The subscription fees enable us to maintain the sites and add new content regularly:

  • Hampshire Maintained schools with 2024/25 HTLC subscription: £360
  • Hampshire Maintained schools without an HTLC subscription: £430
  • Non Hampshire Maintained schools with 2024/25 HTLC subscription: £360 + VAT
  • Non Hampshire Maintained schools without an HTLC subscription: £525 + VAT

If you would like to take out a subscription, please complete this form. Once your application has been processed, we will be in touch to advise your school's login details.

Please click on the hyperlinks below to view the documents:

KS3 Problem Solving Assessment

KS3 POS Computing Assessment

Online Safety Training for Governors

Computational Attitudes

I Can Statements

Skills Progression

For further information and queries regarding Moodle+, please contact

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 1:47 PM